To begin with, what is the difference between your own website (with a unique web address e.g. and, for example, a Facebook fanpage ?
Well, it is your proprietary building on the web. You can do whatever you want in it, e.g. rearrange walls, add Analytics and Ads code. Unlike Facebook (lease), which is subject to their restrictions and regulations.
From the point of view of small and medium-sized businesses, there are 3 types of websites:
- Onepage is a scrolling page dedicated to a small amount of text and photos. Sometimes it is enriched with a separate tab – Blog.
- Classic site, with tabs like 'about us’ or 'gallery’ (up to 10 subpages)
- An extensive website, with many divisions, lots of content, sometimes multilingualism
Do you prefer to watch ? (polish version)
Each of these types of sites has like 3 OBVIOUS layers:
- visual, which is what everyone sees (graphics). You can work on graphics for 2 hours or 2 weeks. As in painting, the level represented, by the Graphic, also has its price.
- html code, which „shows” this visuality to browsers
- CMS, which is a system for self-management of content. The most popular are WordPress (No. 1 in the world) and Joomla.
Why WordPress ? Because it is the easiest to edit for a so-called normal person (photo below) and has a huge number of add-ons (called plug-ins)
The above is necessary, the below is no longer (optional):
- Add-ons, e.g. email form, sitemap, animation, comments-assessments from Google Maps, or security, which we like to use against viruses, robots and illegal programs.
- SEO, or working with content, internal linking to show up more effectively in SERPs i.e. Google search results.
- CMS overlay. This refers to programs for advanced content editing, e.g. Elementor, WP Bakery, Visual Composer.
That is, with them we can easily create multi-column layouts, move whole blocks like a puzzle. The dark side is a huge amount of redundant code, which overloads weaker computers and mobiles (slows them down – read about page speed here). We use it at the client’s request, mostly in B2B projects.
So we have 6 layers that make up the final price of a website.
Web design Poland prices (pricing)
Calculator in hand and let’s count:
Example A
Classic website (6 subpages) done with a graphic designer on WordPress = $1000 net. The site includes security, an email form and a Google driving map. Text and photos are provided by the client, or we buy some photos from a photo bank.
Example B
As above but has been optimized for Google = $1300 net.
Example C
Expanded website (90 subpages, grouped in 8 sections) two languages – PL and EN, designed with a graphic designer = from $3000 net upwards
In addition, what is needed to set up your own site ?
Domain (address e.g. – annual cost $20 net
Server – annual cost $80 net
In our implementations, the first year of the domain and server is free of charge. Probably different regions of the country, prices differ. I developed ours in Katowice, Poland. Examples of websites here –

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Z przyjemnością odpowiem już teraz.
lub napisz t.kita@studio72.netTomasz Kita, Właściciel Studio72 [Agencja SEO/SEM, 20 lat praktyki w projektowaniu, reklamie CPC i pozycjonowaniu stron internetowych]
40-123 Katowice, ul. Czerwińskiego 6
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